ATDC Katumani

Other ATDC Stations 

         Center Manager 

Mary Kanda

"This region cultivates maize, beans, pigeon peas, practices bee keeping and conservation agriculture. The station services include: technology identification, design, fabrication and testing. ​tailor made trainings to farmers and SMEs on developed/acquired demand driven agricultural technologies across different value chains; stakeholder collaborations in promoting demand driven agricultural technologies across different value chains. " Mary Kanda  ​


 Mary Kanda

Deputy Manager

Muhaji Shally Kombo 

Priority Value Chains

The station has promoted adoption of conservation agriculture (CA) through capacity building and maintenance of demonstration plot whereby rippers are attached to walking tractors to carry out minimum tillage with the goal of conserving soil moisture. During harvesting, multi-crop thresher is used to thresh pulses such as pigeon peans to minimize post-harvest losses. Production of livestock feeds have been enhanced through the promotion and uptake of double feeder chopper shredder used to chop and shred animal feeds both in dry and wet matter; and manual baler for baling grass for small scale farmers. Bee keeping value chain has yielded to value addition of honey by-products to produce body cream and candle wax.